Tuesday, March 4, 2014

He is Near

"And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us..."

Acts 17:26-27


Too Near to be Coincidence

Do you ever have those moments where God does something so miraculous that you can't possibly take credit for the outcome? A time where your abilities and talents were so insufficient that God had to intervene on your behalf? A situation where so many moments and details aligned too perfectly to attribute it simply to chance?

I love these moments. I love unexplainable coincidences. I love perfect timing. I love intricately woven details that fit together effortlessly, collectively telling God's grand story. He is a master Author, a flawless Painter, a perfect Sculptor, using us - His small works-in-progess - to create a masterpiece of a story.

Yet, most of all, I love that these experiences show us that God intervenes our lives - today. He cares too much to remain at a distance, watching His children stumble around in darkness and chaos, unable to find the light. He delights redirecting us and guiding us - the characters in His story. He cherishes putting trials in front of us that test our character - challenging it and refining it.

God is not content to be far off. He desires to be near. And even more so, God desires to demonstrate His nearness to us -  His sinful but redeemed people.

Too Miraculous to be Ordinary

As a child, and even into my teenage years, I was a painfully shy person. I never initiated conversations with my peers. Adults scared the living daylights out of me. I hardly ever opened my life up to people outside of my family. When I switched elementary schools between 3rd and 4th grade, I would play sick multiple times a week to escape the trauma of making friends. Eventually, the nurses caught on, picked a girl from my class, brought her to me, and told me, "Here. This is Michelle. She can be your friend. It's time for you to learn to stay in school."

Public speaking terrified me. I was always the last to volunteer to give presentations in class in high school. I would try to volunteer to go first, to will myself to just get up and get it out of the way. But, inevitably, I was always the last to speak, and even more depressing, my presentations were awkward and painful to watch.

In college, classes that required participation were my downfall. I hated the professors that demanded I share my opinions. I willingly took lower grades in courses if it meant I could avoid speaking up in class. I was paralyzed by silence, too afraid to say something that someone could challenge, too scared to possibly be wrong in front of so many eyewitnesses. I wanted to keep myself locked away and safe where no one could see my flaws. I wanted to remain hidden, an invisible wallflower.

I forget that this used to be me, the person I was before God called me and made me His own, before He changed me. I forget that public speaking used to provoke me to fear. I forget that making new friends was a skill completely foreign to me. I forget that I was so terrified of being vulnerable and risking people seeing my flaws and my brokenness.

I forget these things because today, I stood in front of thirty people and spoke, not of far off things, things that were impersonal. No, I stood in front of thirty strangers and handed my heart to them. I revealed my deepest passions and some of my greatest pains.

And although I stood before this crowd completely exposed, I did not encounter fear but found complete peace. Today, the sufficiency of Christ was made perfect in my weakness.

I can only attribute this to God. Today, His Holy Spirit removed me from the equation and anointed me with His words to speak. How else can you explain how a shy person can confidently stand before strangers with her heart on her sleeve proclaiming the goodness of God?

God intervened to change me. He challenged me to the core of my character. He spoke through me by His great power and grace.

All in all, God drew near to me to make a miracle happen. In a great act of love, He drew near and transformed me.

Too Connected to be Chance

If this transformation isn't enough to point to the glory of God, then the rippling effect of His work most certainly can.

I spoke my story today, and my single story spoke in countless ways to its hearers.

I spoke of being a recent psychology graduate. Two women came to me saying that they have daughters who recently graduated as psychology majors, and they felt as though they could adopt me as their own.

I spoke of being a campus missionary. A woman approached me saying that her husband works at a university here in the Valley and that they have been looking for a way to connect and serve college students. She now is excited to plug in to volunteer with our ministry to reach students with the gospel.

I spoke of dozens of college students coming hungry for the Word on Thursday nights. A woman came to me feeling called to provide a home-cooked meal for our students on a Thursday so that they can be fed physically as well as spiritually.

I shared the story of my friend who shared the gospel with me and how the reason she herself became a Christian was because, as a nonbeliever, she started dating a believer. A mother walked up to me saying that her daughter started dating a non-Christian. She is now completely confident that God is going to save this boy.

I spoke of how the vast majority of Christians leave the faith during their college years. A mother approached me saying that her son was, sadly, a member of this statistic. She has hope that someday he will be a part of the few that return.

I shared my testimony of how God saved me and how He called me to full-time ministry. A young woman approached me with wide eyes, shocked that everything I shared resonated with her own life. We have plans to meet, so I can hear and be encouraged by her story too.

I spoke that following Christ means surrendering everything you are to become like Him. A young mother came to me saying that she wants her 11-year-old son to meet me, so he can see what real Christianity looks like and that he too would be inspired to be radically obedient to Christ in his own life.

These are but some of the moments I experienced today. My single story sparked thousands of others to connect with my own. They are perfectly timed, skillfully woven details that together tell a grander story.

They tell us that God is near to all of us. These intricately strung together stories could only be made possible if God came down from His throne to intervene in our lives. He showed up in a very real way in these moments ordained and planned only by Him.

Today, God showed me how involved He chooses to be in my life. In all of these stories and in all of the transformation performed in my life, God demonstrated His nearness. And in his nearness, God proved just how much He loves me - loves all of us as His beloved, adopted children. He loves us enough to come near to each one of us.

He is good, my friends. So, incredibly good. His ways are higher than all of us. Never forget that He is near.

Many blessings,


"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you."

James 4:8



  1. This is so amazing! Thanks for sharing, God is so good!

  2. Go Maddie! I'm praying for your continued work.
    "But thanks be to God, who always puts us on display in Christ and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." 2 Cor 2:14
